We finish the ARC at around 11pm on Tuesday the 9th
December, 15 days after we left Las Palmas.
Our final gybe as we round Pigeon Island is now well-practiced and
for the first time for two weeks we are sailing up-wind into 20 knots with a
reefed mainsail. Just as we approach the finish, a large motor yacht drops
anchor ahead of us, completely obscuring the line so we duck behind it and come
up hard into the wind, shooting the line and barely missing the committee boat
– now that would have been a bad way to finish.
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
ARC 2014 Day 15. Almost there
On the ARC in 2012 Kim brought with him a gift from Dr James Ashby, a close friend of his from Cornwall. If you have ever fished for crabs as a child you would recognise it immediately: a wooden frame wound with heavy monofilament fishing line, a large brass swivel impregnably attached to the end. When Mitchel, our grumpy fishing reel, gave up and cast all my best lures to the deep on our last Atlantic crossing, it was this hand line that came in to its own; we wound it onto Mitchel, despite his sulky protests, and hooked a big Dorado that we were able to winch in with no fear of the line breaking.
Monday, 8 December 2014
ARC 2014 Day 14 written by Fatty
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Friday, 5 December 2014
Thursday, 4 December 2014
ARC 2014 Day Eleven

Wednesday, 3 December 2014
ARC Day Ten guest written by Kez

Tuesday, 2 December 2014
ARC Day Eight and Half Way

Monday, 1 December 2014
ARC 2014 Day Seven

Saturday, 29 November 2014
ARC day six guest written by Paulus Windsor

Friday, 28 November 2014
ARC 2014 Day Three

Tuesday, 25 November 2014
ARC 2014 Day One

Sunday, 23 November 2014
This is my third ARC and the second time that the
race has been postponed on my watch.
Last night the wind howled through the marina, shrieking in our
rigging. Yachts in the bay
outside the marina dragged their anchors and one boat was on the rocks by the morning.
In the nearby Santa Catalina hotel a car was crushed by a falling tree. Angry black
squalls charge down off the hills and as they hit, they unleash wind and rain
that bounces off the sea, whipping up the surface. Despite our initial disappointment it’s a
great decision to postpone until tomorrow.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
We leave tomorrow!

Its the night before the start of the ARC and a gale is blowing through the marina making every one feel slightly jumpy. In fact the forecast for the start is very good with 20 - 25 knots from the NW, slowly veering and decreasing over the next few days. The elusive Azores high is becoming well established over the mid Atlantic which should bring us those perfect trade winds for the crossing.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Las Palmas preparation for ARC 2014
We have finally made it to the start line of ARC 2014. Phew.
The ride down to Las Palmas from Lanzarote was fast. We left
at 4am and covered 100 miles in 12 hours arriving at the reception pontoon in
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria at 4pm. We filled up with fuel, spilling smelly diesel
all over the decks as usual, trying to squeeze an extra few litres into the
tank: this despite the absorbent pad fashioned ingeniously by Fatty from a
personal hygiene product. We head for our berth and in the falling light we tie
up next to our friends Mervyn and Amanda on El Mundo.
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Lanzarote at last
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
100 Miles to Lanzarote
One hundred miles to run to Lanzarote and we are sailing
fast, consistently over 9 knots in 11 knots of wind. It is impressive that a
fat cruising boat (sorry Juno) weighing 32 tons can convert wind into boat
speed so efficiently.
Monday, 3 November 2014
En route to the Canary Islands
We are sitting in the Waterfront Café in Queensway Quay marina, Gibraltar. Three meals a day, it has replaced the galley on Juno while we prepare for our trip down to the Canaries. There is a large cloud that hangs perpetually over the Rock, casting its shadow over the marina while all around bright sunshine blazes down on the Spanish mainland. The European summer is definitely on the wane and we are looking forward to sailing south to warmer climes.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Westward Ho
The List is almost done, the engine has been serviced, the
sails are back on, crew covers have been fitted over the gleaming white leather
upholstery: finally its time to leave Palma. Looking back at the magnificent cathedral
dominating the skyline I wonder when we will next return. All romantic thoughts
are quickly dispelled by the large swell that hits us the moment we leave the
shelter of the breakwater. Despite there being only 10 knots of wind, a short
chop has developed in the bay of Palma.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
World ARC Preparation
Another directorship resigned, another tie severed. It is
now the start of October and only days until we leave the shores of Europe.
However, I don’t feel excitement or relief, but instead butterflies in my
stomach, reminiscent of the feeling of going back to boarding school on a
Sunday evening. Despite my best efforts, there are still a thousand things to
do before we leave Palma de Mallorca. But when I consult my list, I reassure
myself that the important items will be completed and the rest aren’t essential
to crossing oceans.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Mistral brings the fish
Monday, 8 September 2014
Living the Dream
Sailing around the Mediterranean on our beautiful boat, not
a care in the world; a number of people have commented that we are ‘living the
dream’. And so we are, but this phrase has developed a new meaning on Juno. I
don’t expect any sympathy from those who are reading this standing on a
commuter train, but life on a boat isn’t always as you might imagine.
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Rome looks like any other European city as the taxi turns
off the motorway and trundles through the outskirts. The usual mix of apartment blocks rubbing
cheeks with suburban low-rise cubes is like so many others. Everywhere there are signs of under-investment:
another victim of La Crisis, now six years old and with no signs of improvement
– worse if anything. Then out of the
corner of my eye, high above, something catches the suns rays.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
We leave Ischia behind as we sail north towards Rome, a
large swell running from the south, pushing us on our way. We stop briefly for
lunch on the remote island of Ventotene, and swim in the deep clear water before
motoring the last twenty miles to Ponsa. From our last visit I know that a long
southerly swell creeps into all the anchorages so I head straight for the port
and anchor in the protected main harbour with twenty other yachts who have also
been here before and experienced the Ponsa roll. Once the ferries stop for the night the water
is thankfully calm and the wind dies away; a blanket of hot and humid air
settles over the boat.
Sunday, 17 August 2014
The urban sprawl of Naples, and its one million inhabitants,
spreads across the horizon, from the green slopes of Vesuvius down to the bay
of Naples. We are in the middle of the city where our friend and hotelier,
Paolo, has secured us a berth at the marina in Santa Lucia, positioned under
the battlements of Castel dell’Ovo which takes its name from the the legend
that it was built over an egg placed here by Virgil in Roman times: it is
believed that if the egg breaks, Naples will fall.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Amalfi Coast
We are on the Costiera Amalfatana, just outside Salerno,
working our way north along the Italian coast towards Naples and then onto
Rome. We are berthed in Marina d’Arechi,
a brand new marina that isn’t even on my chart, where we spend the day cleaning
Stromboli ash from the decks. Hertz
delivers a car which Fatty dubs a Fiat Ugly, and we set off in the hot
afternoon sun, air conditioning on full, through Salerno and onto the coast
road that runs along the south of the Amalfi peninsula. Our destination is
Ravello a small town up in the hills above Amalfi, but first, that crazy coast
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Stromboli Erupts
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Cefalu is a medieval town on the north coast of Sicily, perched on a rocky promontory under the dramatic backdrop of La Rocca, a huge rock that towers over the town. It is so picture-perfect that it was used as the setting for the famous Sicilian film, Cinema Paradiso, and tourists from all over Sicily flock to Cefalu to stroll the narrow cobbled streets. We anchor in milky blue water outside the small marina and wait for the wind to back to the west to take us to the Aeolian Islands. It also give me a chance to catch up on admin after a frustrating few days in Palermo where we suffered more gear failure than in our entire three years afloat.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
As we approach Palermo the shoreline turns from soaring cliffs and wooded slopes to dusty roads and bricks and mortar. The urban sprawl of Sicily's largest city reaches out through the valleys and stretches its fingers down to the sea. The wind is still gusting at over twenty knots and we rocket into the bay of Palermo at 10 knots on a broad reach with Fatty testing the cockpit cushions for comfort.
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Egadi Islands
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Cagliari is one of our favourite Italian cities. The elegant facade of the Avenue di Roma which lines the water front; narrow backstreets adorned with washing hanging from rickety balconies, winding up the steep hill towards the citadel; and the panoramic view, north into the mountains and south across the huge bay of Cagliari towards the African coast.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Sunday, 15 June 2014
A line of white buoys stretches across the horizon at the entrance of the channel between the island of San Pietro and Sardinia. It is the Mattanza festival, a bloodthirsty affair when the migrating tuna are herded into large nets, and then slaughtered. Fortunately the slaughtering is over by the time we arrive but the nets are still in place, bulging with tuna which we assume are being saved for later. The channel is gusty and shallow, more acute because the water is gin clear, magnifying the rocks in dangerous hues of green and brown.
Saturday, 14 June 2014
I find the wind fascinating. The breeze that cools our skin and flows over our sails is created by a complex combination of natural forces that shift and change continuously: there are the constant global factors such as the rotation of the earth, creating the spin that produces benevolent trade winds and ferocious revolving tropical storms; the impact of the equator as a huge heat store that causes air to rise constantly, creating the equatorial low that sucks in cooler air from both north and southern hemispheres; and then against this backdrop are the high and low pressure systems that develop like mountains and valleys in the atmosphere, generating gradient wind as air flows from high to low attempting to equalise pressure.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Blood on the mainsheet
At last, after six months of preparation, both at home and on Juno, it is time to leave the dock. We order meat for the freezer, six crates of provisions for the galley, fresh fruit and vegetables from the market, settle our bills at the marina and finally, finally, disconnect from the pontoon and head out of the bay of Palma. It feels great to be back at sea on Juno. As this is our first sail of the season it is just a short hop to Calla Vells, a small bay on the southwest coast of Mallorca that is usually sheltered from the prevailing winds.
Friday, 16 May 2014
The sprawling city of Palma is an amalgam of districts, each with its distinct personality. From the postcard architecture of the old town with its dark mysterious alleyways, to the brash neon strip along the waterfront, home to bars and nightclubs; Palma is diverse and cosmopolitan. Commercial areas line the ring road, dominated by huge slabs of hypermarket with acres of car park, but the real charm of Palma is the residential sectors that are the soul of the city and reflect the character of its occupants.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Winter Haul
For the past two weeks we have been staying in an apartment in Palma. A stone's throw from the magnificent cathedral, we are in an old town house with high ceilings and stone floors divided into three apartments set around an inner courtyard. Each morning I set off on my bike on a short commute to the boatyard while Fatty has Spanish lessons with Rosa. In the afternoons, Fatty works on our sailing itinerary for the World ARC and I return at around 7pm, covered in dust from the yard and ready for a cold San Miguel on the terrace, which catches the evening sun.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Palma in Winter
Saturday, 1 February 2014
The Plan
It seems auspicious that as I write this blog after a long absence, forty five boats have crossed the start line in St Lucia for the World ARC, bound for the Panama Canal and the Pacific Ocean beyond. In exactly one year from now, that will be us, insha‘Allah, and I feel my pulse quicken. I remember not so very long ago, crossing the English Channel seemed a huge adventure, but since then, the Bay of Biscay, a Mediterranean circuit, an Atlantic Crossing and now the possibility of heading into the Pacific on a circumnavigation – gulp.
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