Its the night before the start of the ARC and a gale is blowing through the marina making every one feel slightly jumpy. In fact the forecast for the start is very good with 20 - 25 knots from the NW, slowly veering and decreasing over the next few days. The elusive Azores high is becoming well established over the mid Atlantic which should bring us those perfect trade winds for the crossing.
We are all prepared now and ready to go. The log has been cleaned and is back in the water (thanks Oxie for the reminder). The food is all on board and our mid cabin looks like a market stall. The boat definitely has a different feel with the girls on board.
Last night was the ARC farewell party. We decided to be sensible and have an early night but were awoken by the fireworks which were being launched from the wall near our pontoon. I awoke at 4am when the wind was howling and went on deck to check our lines - only to find Mervyn doing exactly the same thing, at exactly the same time. Today has been cleaning the boat, stowing the last few items and rigging all our lines.
Juno looks clean and ready for business. We all look exhausted! I am looking forward to leaving the dock and leaving behind all the chaos and bustle of the marina. All the yachts on our pontoon look great with their lines coiled, provisions stowed and decks freshly washed. Another squall is blasting through the anchorage as i write but its very cosy down below on Juno.
Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes. Please keep the emails coming and we will blog as often as we can.
"And a sailor you must be if you're going to try ocean voyaging. You'll need a modicum of sailing aptitude, some grasp of mechanical concepts, and a willingness to pitch in and work. Most veteran world sailors fall into the classification of restless adventurers who are always looking at distant horizons."
ReplyDeleteHal Roth
After 50,000 Miles
Safe travels Paul & Caroline,
from Brian & Peggy,
SY Stroller